Warning Error While Sending Query Package

How to Fix a “Warning: Error While Sending QUERY Packet”

Just a few days ago, I noticed an unusual error. It was a warning regarding the packet which wasn’t sent properly. The notice was “Warning Error while sending QUERY packet”.

There were also mentioned some parameters to let me know about the file and the line number.

If you’re using WordPress, you should know about the common WordPress errors and their solutions. You can’t expect to run it perfectly all the time.

Sometimes, you need to take some actions to maintain it properly.

In this post, you will learn the reasons and the solutions of “Warning error while sending QUERY packet”.

How does the Error Message Look Like

As mentioned earlier, the notice will have the warning message with a proper packet number.

Let me tell you that error is related to the database of your WordPress website. You will see a related file and the line number too.

Let me show you an example.

As you can see, it also mismatches the design of the website. It has shifted the excerpt of the article downward. It’s not the only case, you can get a different error.

It’s because the packet and the line numbers would be different.

What’re the Reasons to Get Such Warning

This error is appearing because of the maximum number of database connection requests have made. No further requests are allowed.

It happens on the shared server. The worst part is that your web hosting can’t allow you to increase the number of requests to the database.

It will directly impact other users.

The reason of these requests may be anything. It maybe the size of your website or any plugin you use which is making so many database requests while updating it.

Let me mention that error isn’t bad for anything. It’s just a warning to let you know that your website’s database connection is dealing with some high time.

Removing “Warning Error While Sending QUERY Packet” Message

As mentioned above, if you’re having a shared hosting then it can be the problem. To fix this, you can shift to a managed web hosting.

#1. Managed Web Hosting

To fix this, you can shift to a managed web hosting. It’s only recommended if you have a bigger website otherwise, no need to spend that much of money.

You can get a new managed hosting from WPEngine. It’s because the maximum number of requests allowed are more on a managed server and it can be increased accordingly.

But if you don’t want to change your server then go to the next step.

#2. Optimize the Database

As per the line number and the path, you can easily guess that everything is happening somewhere in the database.

You should always clean up your WordPress database using a plugin. You can use the plugin like WP-Sweep and WP-Optimize.

Such plugins clean the unwanted database tables which are created when you update any post, publish a post, add new media files and delete those.

You should always know the way to uninstall a WordPress plugin completely so that no extra tables remain in the database.

The point is keeping the size of the database as minimum as possible.

#3. Have a CDN

As you know, having a bigger WordPress website can be brainstorming for the browser. It can take so much time to get loaded.

And there are many static pages and images are present on your WordPress website which should be cached by a CDN to improve its speed.

A CDN also acts like a security firewall.

Overall, it improves the user experience and helps you to make fewer database requests. You can set up CloudFlare for WordPress for free.

If you have enough budget then a paid CDN is always a better option.

I Hope You Got a Solution to Your Problem

As I have said earlier, such type of error is unique and different for all.

I have gotten a different packet, you can get something else. But the reasons are the same. The database gets exhausted due to more number of requests than its capacity.

That’s the reasons it’s always recommended to keep your database optimized. I am sure, you can fix this “Warning Error While Sending QUERY Packet”. If you still have any doubt, feel free to drop a comment.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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